:: Welcome

Thanks for visiting. This site is for parents and guardians seeking a childminder in the Birmingham area. It's easy to use and puts you in control. All the childminders listed are registered by Ofsted Early Years, work to the 14 national standards and have either gained or are working towards a quality assurance scheme - eg: Quality First, Children Come First or Growing Together. Each has their own page giving details of their service, their interests and their family. You can search the listings in two simple ways: by keywords or by location.

If you'd like to search by location, just click on the button above and use the interactive map.

If you'd like to search by keywords, just click on the 'search by keywords' button and select the words appropriate for your search. If you are a registered childminder, you can submit your details by clicking the 'submit your details' button and following the instructions


© Birmingham Childminders 2006